With reference to scripture, and especially in Matthew, we see that Jesus Christ refers to the least of these, or little ones, as His brethren, brothers and sisters in Christ.* His disciples.** His Flock.*** Those in Christ who are saved by grace, through faith, but in NEED.
The least of these don't just go to church. "We are the Church!". Everywhere and all the time. Meeting the needs of real people, especially children****, who share in God's common grace. Jesus gives us that tangible gratitude of serving Him, in serving one another.
*(Matt 25:40), **(Matt 10:42), ***(Matt 18:10-14), ****(Matt 19:14)
Jesus Christ (Matt 25:40 - NIV)
By a Savior who Sacrificed
By a Servant who is King
By a Father who Forgives
At LOT, we believe there is a need for salvation through Jesus Christ in the heart of every person on this globe.* Once SAVED, your life is renewed and has purpose to live out joyfully.** Through peaks and valleys, the saving power of Jesus gives you rest, and creates space in your life to praise, honor and serve Him by joyfully serving others.***
*(John 3:16-17), **(Isaiah 40:31), (Matt 6:33) ***(James 1:2-5, Matt 11:28-30, Gal 5:22-23)
We can serve one another with a joyful heart because Jesus was a servant leader himself, who led by example when He SERVED. Our King removed His crown and took the form of a servant.* Washing his disciple's feet**, healing the sick, feeding the hungry***, and bringing Good News of Salvation to the poor in spirit****. Salvation by serving up His life on the cross*****. The ultimate display of servitude towards an undeserving people. It’s because He served us, that we now know what it looks like to serve others.
*(John 12:12-15), **(John 13:12-20), ***(Matt 15:29-39), ****(Matt 5:3) *****(Col 1:19-20)
As Christians we are forgiven by our Heavenly Father and have a new life in Jesus Christ.* One that has purpose and meaning.** Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, after His resurrection, He SENT us to live out that purpose with Power, by instructing us to make disciples***. And what are disciples, if not brothers and sisters in Christ who say and do the things that Jesus did. Great is our reward, our inheritance in Heaven, and guaranteed in this life through the promises of God, when we have faith that His Purpose is our purpose.****
*(Col 3:12-13), **(Eph 2:10), ***(Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:6-11) ****(Matt 10:40-42, Matt 25:34-36, Eph 1:11-14)
LOT functions as missionary mobilizers, who help churches, organizations and individuals become globally engaged in Christian based missions. It all starts with gathering leaders and members to form teams. To serve a village, it takes a village, and teamwork makes the dream work!
Let's Go! LOT operates through partnerships with local and international organizations, churches, as well as individual volunteers, to provide spiritual and logistical guidance, fundraising platforms, safety awareness, and more, to groups or individuals going on mission for Jesus Christ.
The gift that keeps on giving. With LOT we build up leaders and help create a network of missionaries that keep coming back. The needs are endless and opportunities to serve both domestic and abroad are our focus. More local leaders in local churches means more teams overseas giving back to God.
Least Of These exists to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, who brings hope to the most vulnerable. Just as Christ has done, who was a servant leader Himself, so He has called us to lead His people, by serving them.
Be on mission for missionaries. We are missionary mobilizers with a focus on raising up leaders. In Matthew 28:19, our Lord Jesus tells us to go therefore and make disciples of all nations. With LOT, our focus is to help empower & enable those called by Christ to go on mission.
Over the years, God has blessed our team members with opportunities to serve His people both domestically, and abroad. Sending missionaries to places like Mexico, Cambodia, Belize, and now Uganda. Building homes, shelters, schools, campuses, and sanctuaries for survivors of trafficking and other poverty-stricken circumstances. Much of our
Over the years, God has blessed our team members with opportunities to serve His people both domestically, and abroad. Sending missionaries to places like Mexico, Cambodia, Belize, and now Uganda. Building homes, shelters, schools, campuses, and sanctuaries for survivors of trafficking and other poverty-stricken circumstances. Much of our success has been made possible through partnerships with local churches & God centered organizations like Agape International Missions.
LOT serves to glorify God through Jesus Christ.
The greatest need for all humankind is forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life.
(Romans 5:1-11, 3:21-26; John 4:13-14, 6:22-40, 14:6; Ephesians 1:7, 2:1-10)
Jesus has compassion for people, addressing their deepest spiritual need (for Him as savior and shepherd), while also addressing physical needs. He sought all people, even the outcast and especially the sinner to be his own, changing their lives for all eternity.
The greatest command is to love God, and to love others as ourselves–just as Jesus loves us.
It is by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in believers, that LOT carries out its work.
The Church is the body of Christ with Him as head. The church proclaims the Gospel for spiritual and personal transformation. It is through the Church that God cares for the disadvantaged and exploited.
(Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:17-20; Romans 6:12-14; James 1:27; Psalm 82:3-4)
The Bible is the inspired Word of God and serves to guide all aspects of the Christian life.
It is by prayer that we discern the will of God. Through prayer we seek guidance in ministry and provision for ministry. God desires that we ask, and will provide according to His will more than we can ask and imagine.
All resources belong to God and come from God. He will supply from his unlimited resources all we need to carry out His work.
Least Of These
P.O. Box 5240, El Dorado Hills, California 95762, United States
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